Pools & Spa
Your outdoor space can be a true family oasis. Greanleaf has been installing pools, hot tubs, and backyard spas for homes across New England for over 30 years. Talk to us about our many satisfied clients and how we can craft the living space of your dreams.

Escape to your own backyard
Pool design is an art. Let Greenleaf create a masterpiece you and your family can enjoy for years to come. From traditional lap pools to nature-inspired grottos we’ve created just about every aquatic space you can imagine. We'll take detailed measurements, assess environmental conditions, and have a thorough discussion work with you to determine what works with your space, your family's goals, and your wish list. We even offer xeriscaping for clients interested in water preservation in drought-prone areas. Yes, you can have a pool that is environmentally appropriate. Then just sit back relax and soak up your amazing new outdoor space. It can be that easy with Greenleaf.

Get set to get wet
A home spa or water feature is something the whole family can enjoy. And when it comes time to sell a show-stopping pool/spa combo can truly enhance your property value.